Wednesday, July 21, 2010

When to Stop Tweaking your Manuscript

No one said it would be particularly easy to stop revising my manuscript. It seems that each time I pick it up I see something that could be said differently or better or more concisely.

A friend just sent me a great article on character development and a second one on "what a novel is." This may seem pretty basic and you may be thinking, "shouldn't you know that by now if you've just written one?" But these types of resources serve to reinforce and reassure me that I've taken my writing in the right direction and in some cases make me re-think my position in some areas.

I find them invaluable when sent from the right people. Thanks and maybe I'll end up revising or tweaking my manuscript. The point is to make it the best it can be and strengthening it will help me to get it there.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Inspiration is Everywhere!

Inspiration is everywhere and as with everything in life it's what keeps us motivated. I read a wonderful piece in the New York Times this weekend about an author who sells his books in the subways. His goal is to sell thirty-five copies a day of his book "Street Talk" and most days he reaches that number.

But even more important than that, his writing has a message... he tells the story of his redemption from drugs on the street, to prison to turning his life around, and how to make it happen. He says that one of the main benefits to selling his story on the subway is making new friends while touching their lives and influencing them in ways too numerous to name.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dream Literary Agent... Where are You?

Working full time and trying to find my dream literary agent (DLA) is definitely a challenge. But one that I'm up to and feeling great about. I've had such positive support and so many people have reached out to me and offered ideas and contacts that I couldn't give up even if I wanted to.

So thank you to everyone who is holding me up and rooting me on. As I send out one more and then another agent query letter, you're the ones who are helping to motivate me. And when my novel finally gets published we'll all celebrate together!